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🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸 LA/VD 003 | 9G: Prefixes - 🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸

LA/VD 003 | 9G: Prefixes

5 maio 2024

LA/VD 003 | 9G: Prefixes

Neste exercício gramatical, vamos analisar raízes (root words) e prefixos (prefixes). Tanto em inglês quanto em português, podemos observar semelhanças e diferenças no modo como esses elementos linguísticos funcionam.

Palavras-raiz formam as unidades lexicais centrais da língua que carregam significado independentes e podem ser combinadas com outros morfemas para criar novas palavras.

bandeira dos eua

bandeira do brasil

play –> foreplay

run –> rerun

judge –> nonjudgemental

completo –> incompleto

interessante –> desinteressante

aparecer –> desaparecer


Os prefixos são adicionados ao início de um sintagma existente para criar uma nova palavra com um significado diferente, às vezes relacionado ao sentido original outras vezes não. .



bandeira dos eua








  • inactive
  • incomplete
  • inaccurate
  • impossible
  • impatient
“Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad.”
To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, published in 1960

I’m inactive, can’t you see, the TV’s got me. I’m feelin’ like I’m almost dead. Give me a lift before I drop off to sleep. I need a shift.” ( “Inactive” by Ween, album “White Pepper” released in 2000)

In an ongoing effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination rates in urban areas have seen a notable increase in recent weeks. With campaigns promoting the importance of vaccination and various incentives offered to encourage participation.
anti_______ against
  • Antibiotic
  • Antifungal
  • Antivirus
  • Antisocial
  • Antioxidant
“The protagonist activated the antivirus software to protect their computer from malware.” (“Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, 2011) “You’re like an antifungal, clearing away all the mold” (“Clean Sweep” by Lizzo, f album “Big Grrrl Small World”) “Study Shows Regular Consumption of Antioxidant-Rich Foods May Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases.” (The Guardian, 08/12/2023)
cyber_______ digital
  • cybersecurity
  • cyberbullying
  • cyberattack
  • cybercrime
  • cybernetics
“The novel delved into the field of cybernetics, exploring the relationship between humans and machines.” (“Neuromancer” by William Gibson, 1984) “She’s been a victim of cyberbullying, hiding behind her screen” (Lyric from the song “Virtual Tears” by Billie Eilish, album “Happier Than Ever”) News: “Government Invests Billions in Cybersecurity Measures to Combat Rising Threats.” (The New York Times, 02/08/2023)
super_______ big
  • supermarket
  • superman
  • superpower
  • supersede
  • superimpose
“The character possessed the superpower of invisibility, allowing them to move undetected through enemy territory.” (“The Invisible Man” by H.G. Wells, 1897) “Let’s supersede the past and build a better future together” (“Break the Cycle” by Linkin Park, album “Meteora”)

“New Augmented Reality App Allows Users to Superimpose Virtual Objects Into Real World Environments.” (The Verge, 21/10/2023)


re_______ again
  • replay
  • redo
  • rethink
  • rebuild
  • rewind
  • revisit
  • reconsider
  • reconnect
“She wished she could redo her past decisions, knowing now what she didn’t know then.” (“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925) “I need to rethink my priorities and figure out what really matters to me” (“Rethink” by Ed Sheeran, album “Divide”) “Lawmakers Urged to Reconsider Controversial Legislation Following Public Outcry.” (BBC News, 02/04/2023)
un_______ not
  • unhappy
  • uninteresting
  • unnecessary
  • unseen
  • unavoidable*
  • unforgetable*
  • unlikely*
 “He found the lecture uninteresting, struggling to stay focused as the professor droned on about obscure theories.” (“Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville, 1851) “Love is unnecessary power over me” (“Unnecessary” by Childish Gambino, album “Because the Internet”) “Celebrity Wedding Generates Unforgettable Moments and Goes Viral on Social Media.” (E! News, 02/09/2023)
pre_______ before
  • preheat
  • predict
  • preschool
  • prearrange
  • precaution
“The fortune teller claimed to predict the future, offering glimpses into the fate of those who sought her guidance.” (“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, 1988) “We prearranged our meeting at the café, but I arrived early just to see your face” (“Coffee Date” by Ed Sheeran, album “Equals”) “Health Officials Urge Public to Take Precaution Against Spread of Contagious Illness.” (ABC News, 20/01/2023)
dis_______ opposite
  • disagree
  • dislike
  • disappear
  • disapprove
  • discomfort
“She couldn’t hide her dislike for the new neighbor, finding their constant noise and intrusion unbearable.” (“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, 1813) “You make me feel like I’m invincible, like I can walk through walls and disappear” (“Disappear” by Beyoncé, album “I Am… Sasha Fierce”) “Doctors Advise Patients to Report Any Discomfort After Receiving New Vaccine.” (NBC News, 15/03/2023)
mis_______ wrong
  • misunderstand
  • mislead
  • misinterpret
  • misinform
  • misplace
“The false promises of the con artist misled many vulnerable individuals, leaving them destitute and deceived.” (“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925) Music: “I didn’t mean to cause a misunderstanding, I just wanted to make things right” (“Misunderstood” by Pink,  “Missundaztood”) Music: “Don’t let their words mislead you, actions speak louder than lies” (“Mislead” by Eric Church, album Heart & Soul – 2021)
over_______ above
  • overeat
  • overlook
  • overwhelm
  • overreact
  • overcome
“Against all odds, he managed to overcome his fear and face his greatest challenge.” (“The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954) “The emotions overwhelm me, drowning in a sea of uncertainty” (“Overwhelm” by Adele, 2025) “Investigators Attribute Oversight to Financial Scandal Uncovered in Government Agency.” (The Washington Post, March 28, 2023)
sub_______ under
  • submarine
  • subconscious
  • subordinate
  • submerge
  • substandard
 “The quality of the goods was substandard, falling far below the expectations of the consumers.” (“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair, 1906) “I want to submerge myself in your love, drowning in the depths of your affection” (“Submerge” by Coldplay, album TBA – 2025) “Research Explores Role of Subconscious Mind in Decision Making and Behavior.” (The Guardian, September 18, 2023)
inter_______ between
  • international
  • interact
  • intervene
  • interface
  • intercultural
“The characters interacted with each other in unexpected ways, their relationships shaping the course of the narrative.” (“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, 1813) “Our love knows no borders, it’s truly international” (“International Love” by Pitbull ft. Chris Brown, album Planet Pit – 2011) “Humanitarian Organizations Call for Urgent Intervention to Address Famine Crisis in War-Torn Region.” (BBC News, September 22, 2023)



Cultural Diversity


Culture is like an ANTIBIOTIC for societies, helping them fight against ignorance and intolerance. Just as ANTIBIOTICS target harmful bacteria in the body, culture targets harmful attitudes and biases within communities. It fosters understanding, respect, and acceptance among people of different backgrounds.

In the realm of CYBERSECURITY, culture acts as an ANTIVIRUS program, safeguarding against the spread of harmful ideologies and discrimination. Much like how an ANTIVIRUS program detects and eliminates malicious software, culture identifies and eradicates harmful social norms and prejudices. It promotes inclusivity and ensures everyone’s rights and dignity are respected.

Supermarkets are like cultural melting pots, where diverse products and people converge. They serve as hubs of cultural exchange, offering a wide array of goods from different parts of the world. Just as supermarkets bring together various products under one roof, culture brings together people from different backgrounds, fostering unity and diversity.

When we REPLAY history, we can witness how culture has evolved over time. Just as we REWIND a video to watch it again, REVISITING historical events allows us to understand how cultural beliefs and practices have changed and adapted. It enables us to learn from the past and build a more inclusive and tolerant society for the future.



Culture acts as a powerful remedy for societies, functioning much like an antidote against ignorance and intolerance. Just as an antidote neutralizes the effects of poison in the body, culture neutralizes harmful attitudes and biases within communities. It nurtures understanding, respect, and acceptance among people of different backgrounds.

In the domain of digital security, culture serves as a protective shield, guarding against the proliferation of harmful ideologies and discrimination. Similar to how a protective shield deflects attacks, culture deflects harmful social norms and prejudices. It fosters inclusivity and ensures the preservation of everyone’s rights and dignity.

Supermarkets resemble cultural hubs, where diverse products and people intersect. They serve as centers of cultural interaction, offering a broad range of goods from various regions of the world. Just as supermarkets gather different products in one place, culture gathers individuals from diverse backgrounds, promoting unity and diversity.

When we review history, we can observe how culture has transformed over time. Just as we rewind a video to review it, revisiting historical events enables us to comprehend how cultural beliefs and practices have evolved and adjusted. It allows us to glean insights from the past and construct a more comprehensive and tolerant society for the future.




  1. Sintagma: unidade linguística composta de um núcleo (p.ex., um verbo, um nome, um adjetivo etc.) e de outros termos que a ele se unem, formando uma locução que entrará na formação da oração.
  2. Morfema: a menor unidade linguística que possui significado, abarcando raízes e afixos, formas livres (ex.: é, não, ah) e formas presas (p.ex.: sapat -, – o -, – s ) e vocábulos gramaticais (preposições, conjunções).

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