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🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸 LA/VD 002 | 9G: Prefixes - words with pre_ - 🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸

LA/VD 002 | 9G: Prefixes – words with pre_

14 nov 2019

LA/VD 002 | 9G: Prefixes – words with pre_

Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them.



Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example:

word prefix new word
space cyber- cyberspace
market super- supermarket


Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example:

word suffix new word
idol -ize/-ise idolize/idolise
like -able likeable

The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above, the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize, and the noun child becomes the adjective childish.

Word creation with prefixes and suffixes

Some prefixes and suffixes are part of our living language, in that people regularly use them to create new words for modern products, concepts, or situations. For example:


word prefix +suffix new word
email   e____ | ____er emailer
ooo   e____ | ____er Miserably
ooo   e____ | ____er Disagreement
ooo   e____ | ____er Presupposing
ooo   e____ | ____er Interlocked
ooo   e____ | ____er Misleadingly
ooo   e____ | ____er Progressive
ooo   e____ | ____er Displacement
ooo   e____ | ____er Unchangeable
ooo   e____ | ____er Unmistakable
ooo   e____ | ____er Provocative
ooo   e____ | ____er Subscribable
ooo   e____ | ____er Misunderstandingly
ooo   e____ | ____er Preserving
ooo   e____ | ____er Unforgettable
ooo   e____ | ____er Productive


Group 3: Words with the prefix “dis-” and the suffix “-ment”:

Group 4: Words with the prefix “pre-” and the suffix “-ing”:

Group 5: Words with the prefix “mis-” and the suffix “-ly”:

Group 6: Words with the prefix “pro-” and the suffix “-ive”:

Certainly, here are four more groups of words in English that use the same suffixes and prefixes simultaneously:

Group 7: Words with the prefix “inter-” and the suffix “-ed”:

  1. Interfered
  2. Interjected
  3. Interfered
  4. Interacted
  5. Interchanged

Group 8: Words with the prefix “sub-” and the suffix “-able”:

  1. Submersible

Group 9: Words with the prefix “over-” and the suffix “-ed”:

  1. Overcooked
  2. Overlooked
  3. Overcharged
  4. Overstressed
  5. Overhyped
  6. Overworked

Group 10: Words with the prefix “under-” and the suffix “-ing”:

  1. Undermining
  2. Undercutting
  3. Underestimating
  4. Underplaying
  5. Undervaluing
  6. Underpinning

These additional groups further illustrate how combinations of prefixes and suffixes create diverse vocabulary in English.


LA/VD 002 | 9G: Prefixes – words with pre_

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