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🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸 LA/RC 130 | 7G : Natural beauty between Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana - 🏛️ Academia BSB 🇺🇸

LA/RC 130 | 7G : Natural beauty between Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana

1 jun 2019

LA/RC 130 | 7G : Natural beauty between Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana

Mount Roraima is a South American tabletop mountain located at the border between Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana. Being a tabletop mountain has flat top, not a pointy peak like the Everest in Asia and the Kilimanjaro in Africa.

In that rocky geological formation there isn’t soil, only sandstone, so there aren’t tree over there. It usually rains for many hours each day on top of Roraima, which washes away any materials that would normally become soil.

Instead of relying on the sun, soil, and water to survive, plants survive by literally eat insects and other small animals to obtain nutrients. They are called carnivorous plants

The mountain holds a special significance for the indigenous people of the region – who call it tepui. According to legend, the tepui is the stump of a mighty tree that once held all the fruits in the world. Tourists are only allow to trek across Roraima if they are accompanied by a guide.

LA/RC 130 | 7G : Natural beauty between Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana

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